Life Is Sacred
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place, what is man that you are
mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” – Psalm 8:3-4
The universe and everything in it is absolutely fascinating
with plenty of mystery to keep our attention and affection for the rest of our
days, if we’re so inclined to keep looking. Still, there are things that have
been made clear enough to no longer wonder about…but, instead become facts or
truths. The questions of life or its value are among those truths, leading us
to understand that all life is sacred.
This is an issue that each generation and each culture must
address. Is life sacred or not? Is the life of an unborn baby sacred? Is the
life of an older person sacred? Is the life of a disabled person sacred? What
about the life of a neighbor who disagrees with you about the sanctity of human
Wars have begun, continued and ended with the snuffing out
of human life. It shouldn’t surprise us when the issue of abortion is brought
up, that it causes many of us to bristle and set up our defenses – because we
treat it as an issue of life and death.
One week ago, on January 22, many people marched, walked and otherwise protested the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision
of 1973. The conviction that all life is sacred can not be squelched. The
conviction that we must defend the lives of the innocent isn’t often a point we
argue about…until or unless our own lives or lifestyle are at risk. Then, we
start to get ugly with each other, as our true nature is revealed and the
sinners we are take center stage.
Oh, and we get ugly. And irrational. And inconsistent. And
unloving. The majesty of God’s beautiful creation is lost to the eyes of those
who stop looking beyond themselves. We stop caring about babies…and,
animals…and, oceans. What will the future look like if we don’t take care of
the lives and lovely things we have today? Many people make a political issue
out of everything…and, maybe that’s you…but, I believe Jesus took on flesh in
the womb of Mary, and took a breath in the Bethlehem air, and shed His blood on
a hill outside of Jerusalem to make life a personal issue.
Jesus didn’t sacrifice anyone or anything aside from
Himself. We sometimes miss the mysterious beauty in that “while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). He came to our defense. He came to
save, because life…is sacred.
Pastor James Gomez
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Pastor James Gomez
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
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