Finding Community in Isolation
The Scriptures say, "Two are better off than one, because they have a good return for their labor" (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NLT).
God created humans to be social creatures; we were made for community. This is why being in isolation for days and weeks on end can be a trying and even traumatic experience for some. As we find ourselves in quarantine to stop the spread of COVID-19, we can learn some valuable lessons about our Creator and our need for one another.
First, stillness can be a gift. Life as we know it has changed. The hustle and bustle has dramatically come to a halt for many as jobs and schools have closed down due to the epidemic. For the first time, many have an abundance of an important commodity: Time. This can be a terrific gift to help us reset ourselves and find community where it matters most - in God and family.
Second, don't stop being social while practicing social distancing. We live in fortunate times that we can use technology to call, video chat and interact with friends, family and even business from the comfort of our home. Stay in touch, reach out to your neighbor by giving them a call or email, especially those who are most at risk of this epidemic. God has called us to love our neighbors. Social distancing doesn't change that truth, maybe just how we go about it.
Thirdly, practice radical selflessness by not hoarding goods but sharing with those who need it most. No doubt these are trying times where anxiety and uncertainty are at a fever pitch, but we should not resort to hysteria which leads to hoarding of goods and foods. Mass buying and hoarding of essential materials only deprives the most at risk individuals from being able to get the goods they need and depend on. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive", therefore we should seek opportunity to bless others during this difficult time. (Acts 20:35)
As with most things in this life, this too shall pass. Life will hopefully soon return to some sense of normal and we can continue to build and grow community where God has planted us. May God bless you as you find community in the midst of isolation!
Pastor Brian Garcia, Crossroads Church of Sturgeon Bay
God created humans to be social creatures; we were made for community. This is why being in isolation for days and weeks on end can be a trying and even traumatic experience for some. As we find ourselves in quarantine to stop the spread of COVID-19, we can learn some valuable lessons about our Creator and our need for one another.
First, stillness can be a gift. Life as we know it has changed. The hustle and bustle has dramatically come to a halt for many as jobs and schools have closed down due to the epidemic. For the first time, many have an abundance of an important commodity: Time. This can be a terrific gift to help us reset ourselves and find community where it matters most - in God and family.
Second, don't stop being social while practicing social distancing. We live in fortunate times that we can use technology to call, video chat and interact with friends, family and even business from the comfort of our home. Stay in touch, reach out to your neighbor by giving them a call or email, especially those who are most at risk of this epidemic. God has called us to love our neighbors. Social distancing doesn't change that truth, maybe just how we go about it.
Thirdly, practice radical selflessness by not hoarding goods but sharing with those who need it most. No doubt these are trying times where anxiety and uncertainty are at a fever pitch, but we should not resort to hysteria which leads to hoarding of goods and foods. Mass buying and hoarding of essential materials only deprives the most at risk individuals from being able to get the goods they need and depend on. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive", therefore we should seek opportunity to bless others during this difficult time. (Acts 20:35)
As with most things in this life, this too shall pass. Life will hopefully soon return to some sense of normal and we can continue to build and grow community where God has planted us. May God bless you as you find community in the midst of isolation!
Pastor Brian Garcia, Crossroads Church of Sturgeon Bay
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