What Is a Christian?

We hear a word, but are not always sure what it is or what it means, what is a “Christian”? What does that word mean? Frequently, it means; this is a person who lives a good life, usually goes to church and just lives by a certain code or standard.

The word “Christian” was originally used by those who were decidedly not Christians. Actually, the word used in the Bible is “believer”. The word in one form or another is used 97 times in the Gospel of John. Another term used in the first century was “Follower of the way”. This came from Christ’s statements that He was the way in John 14:6.

But we haven’t answered the question “what is a Christian or believer or follower of the way?”. The answer is found in a very famous verse, John 3:16. It says “For God so loved the world (people), that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will never perish, but will have everlasting life.”

What this verse is saying is that in order to be a Christian or a believer, one must believe. That means “to trust in or depend on”. But why? Because none of us are good enough to get to heaven on our own. How would we know when we have done enough? You see, Christianity is not a religious system. It is simply a relationship with God. The relationship comes by faith in Jesus Christ, that means when one places their faith in Christ -- not in anything they have done -- they have, as a free gift, eternal life. This results in being righteous before God and in God’s family.

Most people think they need to do something to earn God’s favor, but if that is true why did Jesus have to go to that horrible death on the cross? He did it as the perfect payment for our sin and took our sin on Himself, as our substitute. Then rose from the dead to prove He truly was God and the complete payment for our sin. That’s great news. A person who trusts Christ as their personal savior is declared a Christian, believer, or follower of the way.

How does this happen? “By God’s grace (favor we don’t deserve) we are delivered from the penalty of sin (eternal separation from God) through faith and it is not of ourselves, it is the free gift of God, not by works (or anything else we can do) or else we could boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). The problem that is scary, is how would I know if I’ve done enough? The answer is that is has already been done.

Interim Pastor Ken Muck, Sturgeon Bay Community Church


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