Guiding Principles
To meet the requirements for Faith Perspectives guidelines, this article is submitted on Monday, November 2nd, just one day before the elections. Hence, as of this writing, we do not know the results, whereas for you the reader does! The final count should make some very happy, or grateful while others not so.
Regardless, I trust you took an interested role in the elections, primarily because of your values, and how they affect the 4 Biblical entities: home and the family, the church, business, and that of the government. Anyone understanding the issues recognized all that was at stake.
With that said, I choose to write on “guiding principles” to consider in how one lives their life and directs their affairs:
1) We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12
2) We do battle for principles, ideas, and values.
3) We can do nothing against the truth only for truth; truth never changes. II Corinthians 13:8 Even the word science shows up only twice in a King James Bible. There is good science in Daniel 1:4, and then there is oppositions of science falsely so called, I Timothy 6:20-21.
4) In the end days of this earth, scriptures stated that men would be corrupt; lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;…
So this is what will be experienced, II Timothy 3:1-8.
5) The love of money is still the root of all evil. I Timothy 6:5-10.
6) We need to decide what will be our unchanging compass in live. I Thessalonians 2:13.
7) Regardless of who we are, we all will die one day and have to give an account to someone for the deeds done in this body. Hebrews 9:27, II Corinthians 5:9-11.
8) The Lord Jesus is coming back and will take over to run things for Himself. Isaiah 9:6-7.
In closing, I would suggest to each of us to never stop studying for ourselves, and investing our lives into the next generation to make a difference. Our eternal record will reveal who we are individually, what we stand for, and how well we fought. It will be good to know what were our guiding principles.
Regardless, I trust you took an interested role in the elections, primarily because of your values, and how they affect the 4 Biblical entities: home and the family, the church, business, and that of the government. Anyone understanding the issues recognized all that was at stake.
With that said, I choose to write on “guiding principles” to consider in how one lives their life and directs their affairs:
1) We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12
2) We do battle for principles, ideas, and values.
3) We can do nothing against the truth only for truth; truth never changes. II Corinthians 13:8 Even the word science shows up only twice in a King James Bible. There is good science in Daniel 1:4, and then there is oppositions of science falsely so called, I Timothy 6:20-21.
4) In the end days of this earth, scriptures stated that men would be corrupt; lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;…
So this is what will be experienced, II Timothy 3:1-8.
5) The love of money is still the root of all evil. I Timothy 6:5-10.
6) We need to decide what will be our unchanging compass in live. I Thessalonians 2:13.
7) Regardless of who we are, we all will die one day and have to give an account to someone for the deeds done in this body. Hebrews 9:27, II Corinthians 5:9-11.
8) The Lord Jesus is coming back and will take over to run things for Himself. Isaiah 9:6-7.
In closing, I would suggest to each of us to never stop studying for ourselves, and investing our lives into the next generation to make a difference. Our eternal record will reveal who we are individually, what we stand for, and how well we fought. It will be good to know what were our guiding principles.
Mark Englebert, Pastor of Door Bible Baptist Church in Sturgeon Bay
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