Fruit & Flies

I think the common housefly is gross. There's a big one flying around my office right now, and I don't even have to see it to know that it's grotesque. I've seen other flies. Bleh.

It's all buzzing around, has no place to go, and I'd really like to know why it's here anyway. This is the kind of fly, or the stage of the fly's life where it doesn't seem to do much more than serve as an annoyance until I find it dead on the windowsill some time this week.

These are my true thoughts, and I feel like they're safe because most of you likely feel the same way. I'm not speaking great controversy into your lives, or bringing it on myself. Probably. Because, if you disagree, you know you're in the minority and you'll have an uphill battle if you want to take issue with my perspective on the comeliness or utility of a fly.

But. What if...I said the same thing about a human being? What if I think a person is gross or ugly. What if I find a child's incessant babbling equivalent to the buzz of a fly? What if I find an older or disabled person annoying because he cannot contribute enough or in a way that I think has value?

And. What attitude about the little things manages to influence the bigger things? What if my casual dismissal of a fly with a rolled-up newspaper affects how words roll out of my mouth against my mom or dad? What if I practice killing the annoyance simply because I can? 

Where does all that leave me? Rough. Bitter. Impatient. Unkind. Intolerant. 

I wouldn't wish those attitudes on anyone. They're the opposite of what God tells us is good and beneficial for life together. The fruits of God's Spirit show us a better way. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Gentleness. Self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Flies and people are NOT the same. But, they both totally love fruit. Let's exhibit the character of God's Spirit in the small and big ways today.

James Gomez, Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Sturgeon Bay


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