What ever Happened to Church?

As I was driving through town last Sunday morning with the bus to pick up people for church, I noticed all the people walking, setting up shop, preparing for events, or dining out at 8am. I guess I am of age to remember Sunday mornings belonging to the Lord –nearly all went to church of some sort and outside activities did not start till noon or later. What ever happened to church –excepting Covid of course? Most believe they are going to heaven, yet few even go to church.

Today, I want to write thoughts on the church based on things I find in the Bible. Hopefully this will cause us to think on our beliefs, values, practices, and priorities. Church was God’s idea not an invention of man. By design there are 4 institutions found in scripture: family, government, industry or business, and the church. Let’s look at the church!

In Ephesians 5, God loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might cleanse and sanctify it; that it should be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. We are told in Hebrews 10 to provoke one another unto love and good works, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ..”

Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 has a whole list of spiritual gifts given to the born-again believer (teaching, administration, serving, giving, mercy, wisdom, knowledge, faith,..) to be used in ministry for the benefit of the local church body according to I Corinthians 14:12.

The mission of the church in Matthew 28 is to teach, baptize, and disciple –reaching the world for Christ. Hence, it was not to be an entertainment center. Nor was it to make social causes its agenda. We find that to be scriptural, and accountable, that every ministry was to be under local church leadership. Acts 13.

Therefore, the church is to have scriptural leadership. We find the list of qualifications for pastors and deacons found in I Timothy 3. Apostle Peter in I Peter 5 illiterates these ordained elders are to feed the flock, taking the oversight with a ready mind, being ensamples to the flock. Hebrews 13 states we are to follow and submit ourselves as they watch for our souls and will give an account.

In the early 80’s I found myself down south for Army training. Here I ran across for the first time what was considered “blue laws” where no non-essential products could be sold, and certain businesses could not be open. Having never been exposed to the Bible belt where there was a Baptist church on every corner, I had never ran across such a thing to my shock. It was considered the Lord’s Day. I would like to close by asking again, “What ever happened to Church?”

Pastor Mark Englebert
Door Bible Baptist


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