Speaking Life
Have you seen all the dead people walking around? No, I’m not talking about ghosts or zombies. I’m talking about people who feel discouraged, defeated, worn down by life. They appear alive, but are so empty and dry inside, they are only functioning, not living.
How did they get this way? Sadly, they are the victims of assault. No, not physical assault. They are the victims of verbal assault. People have used words to torture and kill their souls.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21, “The Power of Life and Death are in the Tongue”. The words you speak to others have way more power than you realize. Your words have the power to give life or death to other people. So few people realize the great impact of their words.
You’ve heard the expression, “Sticks and stones can break my bones. But words can never hurt me.” That saying is a bold-faced lie! Words do hurt us. They have the power of life and death. They can debilitate for a life-time!
How do we change this? How can we fix marriages? How can we raise healthy children? How can we heal the discouraged? How can we heal ourselves? How can we have productive, enjoyable schools and work places? The answer is… with our words!
Words do have the power of life and death. Your words can be weapons of destruction or tools for healing. The choice is completely up to you. Yes, you likely have habits and patterns to overcome. But, you can do it. You must. It’s a matter of life and death!
You may be consciously or unconsciously struggling with the labels and words of death thrust on you by uncaring, unaware or just deeply hurting people. The recordings of the past can play over and over in your mind, holding you back, keeping you down, sucking the life out of you. You need to speak life to yourself too!
Paul said in Ephesians 4:29, “Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you.” Don’t put people down. Don’t use your words as a weapon. Don’t insult and belittle. According to 1 Peter 3:10, if you want to enjoy life and be happy “keep your tongue from speaking evil.” If you can’t say something good… duct tape your mouth shut!
Instead, use your words to build people up. Use kind words. Compliment sincerely. Honor graciously.
Here are some ways to help you be the person who gives life in your words. Listen to rap singer Toby Mac’s song “Speak Life”. Wake up to it as your alarm and reminder. Read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Pray and submit everything you say to God!
The world is filled with contentious, vicious, death wielding words. What will you choose to speak? It’s a matter of life and death!
Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer PhD
Lead Pastor of Family Worship Center, Sturgeon Bay and
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