God Wants You to Rest

On the last day of creation, the book of Genesis tells us, “On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken.  God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation” (Genesis 2:2-3).  This day of rest has been termed sabbath, originally observed on Saturday, but in Christianity on account of the resurrection, it is observed on Sunday. 

God emphasize the sabbath’s importance by including it as a commandment when the decalogue was given to Moses on Mount Sinai.  And after Moses led the people into the desert and they were starving, God rained down manna from heaven, but on the sixth day, there was enough manna for the seventh day.  God wants us to rest on the seventh day. 

The most common way people honor the Lord’s Day is by attending a church service.  It seems though that God wants more than just that.  He wants us to enter into sabbath rest by spending time with our family and friends.  Try to avoid servile work.  Some people try to make it a point not to shop or engage in activities on a Sunday that might take away the opportunity for another person to have sabbath rest. 

In addition to sabbath rest, Jesus gave us the example of taking time away.  He went off to deserted places and he spent time in prayer.  He needed quiet and solitude after all his encounters healing people and teaching them. 

Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself and your family to rest and recharge.  There are simple ways we can do this.  Take time to rest daily by making time for prayer and scripture.  Find a place where you encounter the presence of God.  It could be in nature or in a room you set up.  Read.  Reflect.  Meditate.  Do the things you enjoy because by doing them you are using the talents that God has given you.  Go for a leisurely walk with a friend like the two disciples did who were walking on the road to Emmaus. 

The summer tends to be a time where we enjoy more rest, relaxation, and recreation than other times of the year.  Yet, we seem to be so busy during a time that things should slow down.  Ask yourself, “How have I rested this summer?”  From the very beginning, rest was built into our life by God.  He gave us the example and he commanded us to rest.  Jesus rested.  Have you taken time to rest?  If you haven’t, give it a try, because God wants you too! 

Fr. Edward Looney pastors the Catholic communities in Brussels and Lincoln/Rosiere


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