Digital Content & Spiritual Matters

I’ve said goodbye more than once. It’s not really that easy most of the time, especially when I tend to invest myself in whatever I’m doing and with whomever I’m affiliating. Saying goodbye to people is tricky because they have feelings, too. So, if you’re not a monster, their feelings become yours – at least, in part. That puts most goodbyes into the category of “easier said than done.”

When Michelle (my wife) and I drove away from St. Louis, MO where I did my training to be a pastor, and drove to Fond du Lac, WI for my first parish, seeing the Gateway Arch in the rear view mirror gave me an eerie feeling. The same thing happened leaving Fond du Lac for Glencoe, MN…and, then Glencoe for Sturgeon Bay. Saying goodbye, by definition, marks the end of a time, whether it be a moment, a season, or an era. It means leaving a person or a situation and moving on to something else.

Today, we say goodbye to the Faith Perspectives article in the Door County Advocate. I know, I know. This isn’t the most heart-wrenching or emotionally burdensome goodbye, but it does mark the end of an era. The various perspectives of Door County clergy and more were a staple in the Opinion Page for many years, alongside other columns you’ve come to know and enjoy.

The column will continue to be featured here at The blog gives a public voice to members of the faith and otherwise religious community. We don’t all share the same perspective, but it does keep the dialogue open for understanding other points of view. And, while I believe firmly that ultimate truth is a thing, and further believe that truth is revealed to us in the pages of the Old & New Testaments of the Bible, I also believe that I am still growing and learning to understand the fullness of that truth.

So, goodbye, regular column in the newspaper. Hello again, weekly readers of the online blog! Let’s keep going with what was started in newsprint, and continue in the digital world…as we share thoughts and beliefs…perspectives, if you will, about spiritual matters.

James Gomez, Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and Faith Perspectives Coordinator


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