Down and Dirty

Jesus had more than one discussion with the Pharisees and Scribes of His day. In Mark 3:25, Jesus responds to the accusation that He is casting out demons by the power of the prince of demons. He says,  "[That doesn't make any sense!] If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And, if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."

Jesus' response was speaking to the issue at hand, but we identify a much broader truth in His words. We can be and have been ruined by our own doing just as well as from something external.

Sports teams have in-house issues that come up, where leaders are questioned about their integrity or commitment to the team. Our nation has a political system that seems to promote an "us & them" mentality instead of encouraging the togetherness of "we." Church congregations fall victim to factions, and the Christian Church as a whole is known for its denominations.

The Apostle Paul addresses this with his counsel and analogy of "one body with many parts" in 1 Corinthians 12. There, the challenge is not just to accept differences, but to understand that each part has actual value to the body as a whole! Actual value. What I've come to realize is that if I can't see the value of that other part, that's MY problem. God already told me they're important.

What we tend to do is divide, separate, or otherwise remove the parts that don't suit us. We attempt to make our groups homogenous, or similar enough that we don't have to work through disagreements. We keep people (parts) who are different at a distance so nobody thinks we're [like] them. 

When we think we understand what the Bible says about an issue, it is good for us to look at the example of Jesus as the ultimate way to understand what God's will and purpose is. We could get the vibe from the Old Testament that God's people are to live apart from the unbelieving nations. Indeed, the Israelites were given pretty strict rules to help them maintain those differences.

But, when Jesus arrives on the scene, we see that God isn't wanting separation for its own sake, but to identify God's ways as different. Jesus gets down and dirty in the midst of all kinds of people, remains holy and distinct, while bringing people close. Paul continues that idea in encouraging God's people to seek the unity of the Spirit in Ephesians 4.

Truly, the call to God's people in every season is oneness in Christ, working toward unity, and serving together for the sake of our neighbor. Anything short of that...leaves us less able to stand.

Pastor James Gomez
Prince of Peace Lutheran, Sturgeon Bay


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